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The Winter Appeal


Last week KOTO travelled to the Chiêng Yên commune in Son La province for the annual KOTO Winter Appeal.

On the day KOTO provided more than 1200 bowls of pho & 150 gift baskets (cooking oil, instant noodles, sugar, seasoning powder) to families in Chiêng Yên commune. 110 trainees, including 29 trainees from the Her Turn Program, alumni and staff at KOTO spent a wonderful time with the local community through food, singing & dancing performances and other activities around the fire, which made a winter night full of warmth, love and cheers.

It was very special to see each of the trainee's hard work on the day, using the skills they have learnt to give back to the community. 7 of the Her Turn trainees also performed a traditional dance prior to the meals being served.

Our sincere appreciation is expressed to all the corporate sponsors: Trung tâm đào tạo pha chế ACE, Action on Poverty in Vietnam, Jmango, VietHarvest, Action on CBT, KOTO alumni and volunteers, and all generous donors for supporting and contributing to this event's success.

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